SingSing Vote&Earn: Lemme explain everything
All you need to know before joinning vote2earn with SingSing.
Beside Singing, Vote&Earn is another activities to earn $SING token with SingSing. So what is Vote&Earn and how does it works?
Please take a look at the explaination below:
Basically, Vote&Earn is when 2 singers compete to find out who has the most supporing voters. Each voters when placing their bet, will also put in RUBY. The amounts of $SING token from both sides becomes the pool and also the rewards to winners.
So, what you need to do is listen to the singer’s record, both of them, and decide which one to vote for. You can choose your candidate for their good singing voice or simply just because you like their… username.
Either way, the ultimate goal here is to win and claim as much $SING token in the pool as possible.
Here is a few things you need to know before Vote&Earn.
Who can take part in Vote&Earn?
Anyone. But you can choose your role to play.
If you want to be the singer and let your song get voted by everyone, simply press the “Sing to join tomorrow” button, then start record the Challenge Song of the day. Your song will be randomly pair up with opponents to start an round of vote&earn.
If you want to be the voters, simply press the flag on top of the Vote&Earn screen to select the area you want to place your vote.
Here’s the obvious math: The more $SING token in one’s area pool doesn’t mean you’ll earn more rewards. That often means you have more copanions to SHARE the rewards. Small pools may occasionally help you earn more $SING token since there are less voters to share victories with.
How to decide who’s the victory in Vote&Earn?
Mostly, deciding who’s winning is the A.I job but, to explain how’s A.I do its job, please take a look at the formula below.
There’re 3 factors decide total points of each singers, of course whoever has higher total point wins. According to the chart below, those 3 factors are: Singing point/ A.I score (The better the record the higher the point), Voting participants Rate (Receive the more votes get the more points) and Voting $SING tokens Rate Bonus (The more $SING token singers receive by voters, the more point they get).
Result of whoever winning the Vote&Earn on that day depends on these 3 factors:
Ok! How about the rewards? The sharing math?
First, let’s pressume the $SING token pool of winning side: 100% and losing side is another 100%.
After the match, winning side will receive 95% of their bet $SING token + 80% of $SING token from the losing side. Of course, this number will be devided equally between every single users in winning team.
Note that if the winning pool is bigger than losing pool at least 80%, SingSing won’t be taking 5% fee for SingSing system (Take a look at the picture below).
Now, if you’re the same as me, often end up on the losing team, don’t be down. In stead, take a look at this following math.
Our $SING token won’t be completely go to waste. Besides 80% going to the winning side, 10% out of total $SING token voting pool of the unlucky team will go to the Singer of the winning song. 10% will go to the unsuccessful song and 5% will go to the SingSing system. In this interpretation, at least our $SING token get to console the singer we chose, motivate them to enter Vote&Earn again. On the bright side of the problem, that is.
How long is an Vote&Earn cycle?
Usually a Vote&Earn round takes 3 days. On the first day, the system receives singing records from everyone. On the 2nd day, system will analyzes the data and determinds 2 equal opponents to compte. In the same day, from 8h - 22h, voting event will take place. It is said that from 20h-22h is the golden time to vote. At least voters can tell which team has more votes and $SING token to place their bet. To be honest, this solution can only solve 2 out of 3 problems. You can never tell for certain which team is going to be victory until the results are out.
Day 3 is more like the last phase of Vote&Earn. This is when result is announced and rewards got sent to everyone in the winning team.
Well it’s always better to be in the victory side, because by winning one big round, users earn an amount of $SING token that is much bigger than an average singing. Not all of us are canaries at birth you know.
However, base on these informations, i hope you’ll get some hints, suggestions to come up with a smart strategies in Vote&Earn.
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